Do you spend precious time each day scrubbing your shower and sinks, only for those pesky water spots to prevail? Hard water comes from natural minerals in the ground, and while it’s not inherently harmful, it can still be pretty frustrating. These minerals leave spots on your dishes, sinks, and showers, clog your drains, and can shorten the lifespan of household equipment and appliances.
Bruce Thompson Plumbing, Heating, & Cooling has been combating the effects of hard water in St. George homes and businesses since 1996, and we can help you, too! Our superior line of high-quality water conditioners includes products that are built to last and user-friendly, so you can find an affordable and stress-free solution to all your problems. With more than four decades of combined experience, our experts are well equipped to help you explore and choose a water softener system that meets all your needs.